Here are 7 stupid myths that we believe in detriment to our beauty and health:
Myth number 1: You can compensate for lost sleep on weekends
Image credit: bruce mars
Have you ever waited for days off, to finally, as it should, “sleep off all days”? Agree that most of us dream about Saturday and Sunday for exactly this reason. It seems that all the sleep that you missed during the restless week will be restored.
Agree, it sounds good. But, unfortunately, a full-fledged sleep on the weekends does not work the way you think.
Sleeping on weekends, which was preceded by inadequate rest throughout the week, does not have a positive effect on your health.
In fact, you can feel better on Saturday, but disturbing the sleep regime can hurt you. Very often it happens that people do not sleep much during the working week, and then sleep for a long time on Saturdays and Sundays. In the end, such a dream knocks down the established schedule.
Experts recommend setting the time of sleep and wakefulness and doing everything possible to adhere to the established schedule all week, including weekends.
Myth number 2: If you lead an active lifestyle, you need to use special sports drinks
Companies engaged in the production of sports nutrition and drinks, earn a lot of money on their products. But are sports drinks as useful as they are presented to us?
In fact, the truth is that sports drinks are not a good way to quench your thirst, because they contain a lot of sugar.
These drinks should be consumed only when additional energy is needed after long sports loads (for example, after you ran a marathon).
But if you just feel very thirsty and are afraid of dehydration due to high temperatures, it’s best to limit yourself to ordinary clean water. Do not drink any sports drinks, nor any other sweet and carbonated water.
If you do not like the taste of plain water, you can add fresh fruit to it, so the water will get a pleasant taste and aroma.
Myth number 3: Carbohydrates lead to obesity
Despite the fact that we regularly hear about the fact that carbohydrates lead to excess weight, our body needs simple carbohydrates.
Paul Salter, editor of one of the publications specializing in proper nutrition, argues that carbohydrates are a recharge for your brain, nervous system, and also the primary source of energy for muscles.
Full refusal of carbohydrates can negatively affect your mood, working capacity and general tone.
If you do not eat foods rich in carbohydrates, you will very quickly begin to experience fatigue, you will not be left feeling a complete lack of energy.
According to the expert, instead of being afraid of carbohydrates, you need to introduce in the diet the correct carbohydrates – foods with a high fiber content.
Remember: a complete rejection of carbohydrates is fraught with serious health problems. Carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy and healthy diet.
Image credit: kazuend
Myth number 4: To lose weight, you need to eat low-fat foods
If your cabinets and refrigerator are full of low-fat foods, and you yourself read all the labels on the food packages, then this point is for you.
In fact, fats in your diet will not make you fat. What leads to weight gain is the consumption of more calories than you burn. It is in this situation that a person collects hated extra pounds.
We recommend that you include in your diet foods rich in unsaturated fats. Thanks to such products, a person receives the energy necessary for normal life.
Unsaturated fats improve mood, cognitive functions of our body, improve heart health, and also help to improve physical fitness and restore strength.
Specialist advice: focus on the use of healthy fats.
To consume fats can and should be, however, it is always worth remembering the size of the portion, because fat provides the body more than twice as many calories as proteins or carbohydrates.
Myth number 5: Exercise on an empty stomach burn more fat and calories
The truth is this: when we train without the necessary “fuel” (carbohydrates), our body has to use the stored fuel (fat).
You must eat before training to replenish the stock of this very fuel.
This helps maintain muscle mass, which is critical for increasing the number of calories burned, and also positively affects the process of losing weight.
In addition, eating an hour before training provides us with more energy and improves the quality of training.