Sleep is an integral part of the life of any cat. All other activities, such as hunting, eating, communicating with the owner – these are just fleeting inclusions that lightly adorn such a conservative existence of our mustached friends. Such a life makes it very easy to take care of them. The main thing – to create a comfortable bed for a cat, where she will spend almost all of her time. How to do this, and what you need to take into account, it will be discussed in this article.
Image credit: Congerdesign
Where should a cat sleep?
The vast majority of domestic cats sleep in the master’s bed. Why? There it is soft, warm, cozy, and a loved friend is near. But the breeder, especially if his sleep is sensitive, this neighborhood can cause some discomfort.
The fact is that cats are pretty capricious animals: it’s cold for them – let it go under the blanket, then it’s already hot – release it; Then “why did you move, touched me – now again you need to clean the half hour, lick the wool”; Then “I’m so uncomfortable – move on.” And so all night. At some point, even the most patient owners expel capricious pets from bed, which is why they are forced to look for a new sleeper in the middle of the night. With the onset of the morning the problem is only aggravated: the owner wakes up, the bed is refueled, and the cat “requires the continuation of the banquet.” They sleep not only at night, but in the morning and in the daytime. Here it is taken for this business, then in the closet with clothes, then on the ironing boards, where a lot of washed things, smelling fresh and clean. Well, if it’s winter in the street, then you can peacefully bathe in the battery, but if it’s hot, you will not spend a long time on it. “And on the couch it’s light and noisy, the closet is closed, and the owner’s chair is busy – where do you want to sleep?” Definitely, that in the house there were no constant disputes with your favorite pet, he just had to build his own bed. You can do this either with your own hands from improvised means, or by buying a ready-made house in the nearest pet store. There they will offer you a huge variety.
Image credit: milivanily
Which one to choose?
All sorts of design developments can be easily grouped into three types, each of which has its own functionality:
- Open – such varieties are released in the form of sun loungers, baskets, broken boxes with small sides, sofas and even mini-beds;
- Closed – these are typical houses with a roof and an inlet;
- Combined – a stepped complex, combining the first two types, as well as having a variety of tunnels, game partitions and scratching.
At the heart of each species are laid different needs that your cat meets during sleep.
Image credit: strecosa
Open benches are well suited for daytime sleep, during which predators not only relax, but also carefully monitor everything that happens on their territory: what the host does, what he eats, where he sits, where the other members of the pack go – all this does not escape From a cat, even if it seems to you that she is fast asleep.
Closed lodges are necessary for complete privacy, when there is no longer any desire to control anything, but you just want to indulge in a dream. Pets also leave here to reduce stress, to hide from importunate guests, for some reason disturbing the usual routine of life. Sometimes in such houses the cat takes cover to suddenly attack its prey during the hunt.
Combined complexes are very convenient for apartments, in which there is especially no place for games with a cat. They perfectly combine in a small space and a viewing platform, and a sleeping place, and a scratching pad. And several levels with tunnels give all the necessary food for the cat’s imagination, because it’s so easy to entertain yourself.
Getting to know a bed
Fastidious cats often ignore the houses bought for them. This causes a storm of indignation from their owners, who spent time and money to create comfort for their pets, and they still climb to bed at night, and in the daytime to the wardrobe. To prevent this from happening to you, listen to a few simple tips:
- Purchase a sleeping place for a pet at an early age, preferably in the first three months. Do not wait until it grows enough to surely guess with the size. By that time, your pet will get used to sleeping in a certain place, from which you can not drive it afterwards.
- Remember, cats are the most conservative animals in the world! Buy a house for growth. Let your kitten grow up in it, then he will not part with it. Remember, cats tend to act contrary to the rules. If you do not speak, they will do it to spite. Therefore, letting the pet know with his new house, try to arouse curiosity in him. To do this, bring the purchase to the house, ignore your pet. Do not call him, do not force him into the house, on the contrary, silently bring him into the house, put in the room where your pet sleeps normally, and leave him alone. He is sure to climb into it from curiosity.
- Create a pleasant feeling for your pet with a new bed. To do this, place the purchased house where the cat loves to rest most of all. It should be quite a secluded, no noisy place, isolated from drafts and direct sun. Put in it your favorite bedding, pillow, master sweater – in a word, the thing that most often you find your pet asleep. You can play with the cat next to the new house for the first few days so that she can instinctively hide in it while hunting.
- Never punish your mustached friend near your bed. Here he must feel protected even from the owner – this is his personal space, where no one can harm him.
- If the animal continues to persist and does not want to fall asleep in the bought house, try spraying it with a special spray containing pheromones, valerian or catnip.
In the event that even this does not work, do not rape the pet. Most likely, your purchase does not suit him because of the quality of the materials of which the house is made.
Which bed does not fit cats
The cat’s house should be practical, safe and environmentally friendly, so when buying it, consider the following nuances:
- in its development, natural materials should be used, preferably, they should be broken without the use of plywood;
- The design of the house must be stable, able to be firmly attached to the surface on which it will be located, so that the pet is not hurt, even if it runs into it with a running start;
- If fabrics are used for the upholstery of the house, which melt when washed or initially have a sharp odor, your pet will never remain in it for him;
- Cats do not like small cotton houses, they prefer velour, artificial fur or carpet covering;
- Mustached friends are very demanding for cleanliness, so the bed should be cleaned regularly – if it is to be washed, it should be carefully rinsed or washed using special feline powders to avoid a strong smell;
- If the cat’s sleeping place is designed in such a way that it is impossible to wash it, then it should be vacuumed at least once a week, then remove the remains of wool with a damp cloth.
Image credit: gabio
Remember, most often cats stop using their house because of its poor state, irritating smells and fear of crippling. If all her wishes are taken into account, your pet will certainly thank you for all your efforts in order to fall asleep in your new sleeping place.
In the hot season, cat will sleep only on the floor, stretching out to the full height, and most often it will be the passage where the air circulates best.