Strength training involves physical exercises performed with additional weights and directed mainly to the development of the musculature. Specially developed strength exercises strengthen the already available muscle potential, form a beautiful and slender figure by burning bulk fat cells, help maintain the body in such a beautiful state.
Strength training is exclusively for male.
Despite the fact that exercises with heavy weight are considered a man’s occupation, it is precisely women who are more necessary. After all, in the female body, in general, contains about 25% of fat and only 15% in masculine. For the rapid buildup of biceps and triceps male testosterone meets the testosterone. Because of its low level and high levels of the hormone estrogen, muscle mass in women is formed much more slowly than in the stronger sex. Often girls are afraid that heavily pumped muscles will not look very feminine. To be afraid there is nothing: if you do not take special drugs and biological supplements a woman is unlikely to become like a bodybuilder.
Men and women need different training programs.
In fact – the muscles of men and women are the same, but because of the higher hormone levels in men, they are more.
Women involved in lifting weights acquire large, massive muscles.
Women simply do not have enough testosterone to add to muscle mass. Most women will only restore those muscles that they lost because of an appropriate lifestyle, malnutrition, impaired metabolism, etc. The maximum result is 4 – 6 lbs of muscle mass.
Classes on the simulators can increase the size of the breast.
Unfortunately, it is not. On the contrary, intensive studies, especially those that solve the problem of getting rid of fatty deposits, will reduce the size of the breast for the simple reason that the female breast is a glandular tissue plus fatty tissue. Training with weights is not able to increase the size of adipose tissue, therefore, and breasts too. However, training with weights can change the shape of the pectoral muscles over which the mammary glands lie, and give them completely different outlines. Well-designed trainings lift the chest, form a straightened posture, visually improve the shape of the mammary glands, and this is what we should strive for.
When fasting and exercising in the gym in a week, you can lose weight by two or three sizes.
Most likely, you can faint from nervous and physical exhaustion. Strength training and strict diet are incompatible. Necessary to eat in a balanced way to get enough of the necessary nutrients. You can not engage in any sport on an empty stomach. For an hour and a half before the start of training, eat some protein product with vegetables. At least drink a ready-made protein cocktail. If you want to lose weight, after training, lean on fruit and vegetables, if you build muscle – then the meat and milk products.
Force loads are contraindicated in pregnant women, and in patients with varicose veins.
There are a lot of different power loads. When pregnancy and any disease you can perform only certain exercises. For example, if you suffer from varicose veins, you are countered by squats with a barbell. And in pregnancy, you need to exclude all exercises with dumbbells and a barbell. But you can practice as much as you want on power simulators with backs. The main thing is that the spine and loins are supported by some kind of support. But at 6-7 months of pregnancy, it is better to stop exercising in the gym. In any case, before the beginning of classes in the gym always consult with the coach and the doctor.
Strength training consists only in raising the barbell and dumbbells.
Types of strength training are very diverse. This and the various exercises with dumbbells, barbells and body bar – that is, with free weight, and training on simulators, and even familiar with the school lessons of physical education push-ups and squats, Thus, almost all exercises that are aimed at developing and strengthening the muscles of the body can Attributed to power training.
To lose weight, you just need to stick to the diet.
Diets are usually built on limiting the amount of calories consumed. This will reduce muscle mass and metabolism. It is better to exercise and you lose weight more painlessly.
It is possible to work with weight at home.
Of course you can. But for this you need to learn how to do the exercises correctly. So at the first find a good coach who will show you how to handle dumbbells and barbells (and if there is, an exercise machine) and help to make an individual plan of classes, calculate the load.
The more training, the faster the result is visible.
Unfortunately, here the quantity does not always go into quality. Too frequent and intense loads will only result in injuries and strains. To rest complete recovery of muscles after a good strength training requires two days. So it’s not necessary to go to the gym every day. And the best result in a short time will help you to achieve a professional coach.
For one training you need to work out all the muscles.
Not true. Professional coaches are always advised to achieve the best results during one lesson, focus on any one group of muscles. For example, if you are engaged several times a week, then in the first training pump up chest and hands, on the second, pay attention to the back and the press, and on the third deal with the legs and buttocks.
To lose weight, just do aerobic exercise.
The statement is partly true. At the beginning, of course, there will be enough aerobic exercise. And then, as the weight drops, the skin will begin to hang helplessly with folds. After losing weight, you need to gain muscle mass. Probably, all losing weight is familiar with disappointment, when, despite a strict diet and aerobics, weight loss suddenly stops, and it is time to start attending the gym. And immediately metabolism will accelerate, and excess weight will again decline. Muscle tissue requires much more calories than fat. So those who want to lose weight without weight training can not do.
Specific exercises will be able to drive fat from specific areas of the body.
It is impossible to make fat disappear only from certain parts of the body, it depends on the genetics and constitution of the body.
After strength training, muscles always ache.
Any painful sensations should disappear approximately in a month after the beginning of trainings. If they do not stop, then you do not fit any exercises. Consult the trainer and change the load.
The effect of training with weight will appear only after half an hour of continuous training.
It is strictly forbidden to work continuously in the gym for hours! Muscles can withstand only “their” load, and no more. When you get tired, the muscles begin to work half-heartedly. And there will be no benefit in further training.
After the force load, you must immediately give to the aerobic.
So do not be. After serious work in the gym, do not immediately run to aerobics. Muscles, and the entire body need to rest at least 24 hours. And then calmly go to aerobics classes.
After classes in the gym fatigue is so strong that you do not even want to think about sex.
To the joy of the representatives of the stronger sex, this is not so. During training in the body, the hormone testosterone is actively produced, which is actually responsible for the sexual desire. So training not only does not interfere, but rather improves your sex life.
The muscles will turn into fat if you stop training.
Muscles do not turn into fat. If you stop playing sports, you will naturally lose some of the muscle mass. If the food remains at the same level, you will probably get more fat cells. Call it “transformation” can be a stretch!
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