Cats and Sweet

There are many examples where cats are real gourmets. They gladly eat ice cream, chocolate and even treat themselves with a candy caramel. Really they, by nature predators, really like sweets? And in general, whether it is possible to treat their mustachioed-tailed with such delicious?

Cats gladly eat ice cream

Image by ThePixelman {link to}.

Why do felines eat sweet?

Such a love for sweets among cats for a long time caused a lot of questions among zoologists. In fact, unlike a person, in the representatives of felines there are no special receptors responsible for distinguishing taste. This is confirmed by the fact that consuming a treat, the pet does not feel its sweetness. Yes, in fact, predatory animals, which are cats, are required in the diet protein, and not carbohydrate components, so there is no special need for sweet sensations. However, there is a suggestion that the cat feels that there is a high sugar content in the food. This is due to the fact that there is only one protein in its DNA that allows it. In addition, such a food may well attract its flavor, as well as the presence of salts, vegetable fats or any amino acids necessary for a cat’s body. The consistency of the product can also become an attractive factor.

Why does sweet bring harm to a cat?

Why does sweet bring harm to a cat?

Image by Kaz {link to}.

The above shows that when a person and a cat eat something sweet, only one eater enjoys the taste, the second does not react to the taste. Therefore, to treat a pet with sweets simply does not make sense. Let such products do not bring any benefit to the animal’s organism, and sweets are not an essential product in the animal’s diet, but why not just pamper your pet? There are serious reasons not to do this. The thing is that zoologists managed to identify some nuances. Since cats do not distinguish the sweetness of food, they are not able to determine the amount of sugar that comes to them with food. In general, the feline organism is able to regulate the level of certain substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. But harmful carbohydrate foods are eaten without control and can lead to serious intoxication. This is one of the reasons why one should not show weakness when looking at those begging unfortunate eyes and treating your beloved pet to food that is not useful to him.

Favorite tasty food

What determines the passion of cats for chocolate it is understandable, but why not give the cat a piece of another? Any veterinarian categorically will answer, that chocolate is the real poison for animals, including for cats. In its composition are components such as theobromine and methylxanthine, an excessive number of which in the body of the pet can cause the death of a four-legged friend. Again, it should focus on the fact that the cat, without feeling the taste, does not have the ability to independently limit the consumption of a harmful product and may well eat a large amount of chocolate.

The use of a large amount of theobromine can lead to a number of dangerous signs:

  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia);
  • Neurological manifestations;
  • Uncontrolled convulsions.

Ice cream is a favorite dessert of many cats, can seem at first sight quite harmless treat, because it is based on milk products (milk, cream, butter). However, do not forget that even the highest quality product includes sugar. He, hitting the cat’s body, can cause an overdose of sugar, which often leads to severe intoxication. A pet can be vomited, diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms. Condensed milk, although it is, in fact, milk, but it is too much sugar. Such a combination of components can cause diarrhea in the pet, vomiting, the cat becomes sluggish, refuses food, inflammation of the conjunctiva develops, which manifests itself in the form of copious purulent discharge along the edge and in the corners of the eyes. It is worth remembering that not all sour milk products are useful for cats.

Foods with a high carbohydrate portion should not be present in the diet of the animal. It is not recommended to treat the cat with sweet nuts and dried fruits, as they contain a high level of carbohydrate components.

Consequences of “sweet life”

Sweets are not suitable food for cats

Image by Almi {link to}.

In addition, excess sugar can cause serious diseases in the animal:

Such ailment is quite often diagnosed in cats consuming sweets. This is due to the fact that food with a high sugar content does not allow the kidneys to fully perform their functions, their size increases, and the organs work under conditions of increased strain. Diabetes. Sugar is dangerous not only for people, but for cats. At a high level of glucose in sweet food, the risks of developing this serious disease significantly increase. This is due to the fact that there is an excessive production of insulin by the pancreas. Against the background of this process, cats gradually lose sensitivity to this enzyme, which causes endocrine disorders, including diabetes. Decreased immune mechanisms. Sweets are not suitable food for cats, so these products overload the digestive system, unable to fully digest. Therefore, the body throws all the reserves to help the GIT to cope with the impossible task. If the organs and systems of a young, healthy animal are able to “survive” all harmful food, then with age, it becomes increasingly difficult and more difficult to do so. The same candy, which did not cause significant harm five years ago, can cause serious violations today. In cats that eat sweets, there are processes of premature aging, frequent attacks of tachycardia, excessive body weight, increased gas formation, violation of defecation. But not only older cats, but also kittens can suffer from harmful delicacies. Their unstable digestive system will receive enormous damage and it may take a long time to restore it. Definitely, to treat or encourage a pet with something delicious is necessary, but it should be not only a treat with a pleasant aroma and taste, but also not damaging the health of the cat. You can buy a similar product at a pet store or cook yourself. Proper balanced nutrition is the guarantee of a healthy and long life for a four-legged friend.

Image credit: Pixabay

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